Run, Traine, Move &
Let’s make physical activity more fun, appealing and rewarding with the multi-chain cryptocurrency.
Move to Earn
536 kcal
Earned Coins
0.005 eth
Goal of the Week 50 km
50 km
Goal of the Week 50 km
50 km

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The input material for the recovery process consists of sintered hard tungsten carbide scrap, as well as soft scrap such as powders. Whether in electronics, coating technology, or high-temperature furnaces.

RUN (km)

How to Start & Earn Coins. Few Steps for Success
Transform Your Healthy Habits Into Cryptocurrency

Explore the Roadmap. This is Our Strategy

March 2021
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.

May 2021
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.

September 2021
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.

April 2022
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.

November 2022
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.

March 2023
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.

June 2023
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.

December 2023
All your trackings and information about planted trees at your hand.
Discover Frequently Asked Questions from Support
Will Ridius launch NFTs?
Through our years of experience, we've also learned that while each channel has its own set of advantages, they all work best when strategically paired with other channels.
Does Ridius have a token?
Through our years of experience, we've also learned that while each channel has its own set of advantages, they all work best when strategically paired with other channels.
Do I have to buy an NFT to move2earn?
Through our years of experience, we've also learned that while each channel has its own set of advantages, they all work best when strategically paired with other channels.
How I can join a challenge?
Through our years of experience, we've also learned that while each channel has its own set of advantages, they all work best when strategically paired with other channels.

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Meet Our Team Advisors
The input material for the recovery process consists of sintered hard tungsten carbide scrap, as well as soft scrap such as powders

Monica Regan
User of Ridius
Sum Yeung
User of Ridius